Day 1. Porto – Matosinhos

Actually, not that way

After saying warm goodbye to our Servas host, shaking hands and hugging several times, off we went, down to Sé do Porto (the city’s main cathedral) to stamp the credentials and officially kick off. Nobody shed any tears, it’s all very much business-like, basically, here’s the door, start walking.

Let me just check the laundry is still where it’s supposed to be… yep, all good.

So, you know, it isn’t all just fun and games – you talk the talk, gotta walk the walk, too. Pavement, beaches, sun. Not too easy, no, it’s work, however fun it might be. After a while… well, look what it does to a person:

We’re at today’s destination now (had to wake up the host, by loudly threatening to help myself to his wine, nothing else worked). Laundry done, shower done, will soon head out to find beer and food. Toodle-o!

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