Day 9. Saiáns – Redondela

Not a very good sleep last night, if I’m completely honest. Somebody cleverly shut all the windows and doors in a room with 8 people trying to sleep, so.. myself, I’d sleep right through it, but my dear wife was up all night fighting for air. And since we shared the same bunk bed, you do the math.

So the morning was a bit glum, with less than spectacular road until Vigo to add to the general feeling. Mostly road, some industrial area, a bit of dusty outskirts of the city. A bit less spring in our step.

I think several nights in a row in a public albergue’s sleeping hall gets to us a little. We have another one for this night, but we book a private room for the next night, yay.

Anyway, a plate of pulpo in Vigo fixed us up a little, and then listening to a couple of pieces of live orchestra in the town’s center made it all even better, so the second half of today’s camino was far more pleasant, despite punishingly steep streets to climb. A lot of very pleasant wooded area.

In tonight’s lodging (Albergue Santiago de Redondela) we’re greeted by a nun in habit and all that. She’s excited because her name is also Lidia and she shares she’s from Peru. Happy times. There’s 16 people in my room and me and Lidia (my Lidia, not the nun) get separate top bunks in opposite ends. That’s new, but we are fine.

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