
Well, that’s because we’re insane, Martin. No-no, okay, come on. In fact, explaining why you up-and-went somewhere isn’t always necessary, especially if you consider “because it seemed like a good idea at the moment” a valid reason. It all started, when…

I wonder if I should feel any shame in regard to having learnt about the Way from the movie – you know which one I’m talking about. Martin Sheen, he’s miserable, then by somewhat of a sadly-reasoned chance he gets onto the Camino, he scatters some ashes along it and by the end of the film is miraculously capable of coping with his life again, yay. Well, that looks like something, I thought – and promptly forgot the whole thing. Shame? Nah – pop culture is where this guy gets his knowledge.

Fast forward several years and look who is turning another round date, but my precious wife? I will admit, I started to weakly consider some kind of spectacularly boring cruise or something – to mark the occasion, you know. Which is where the despair truly started to creep in, because, if you never shopped for a boat trip, let me tell you: it’s hell. First of all, each and every step of the way you’re made painfully aware of the inadequacy of your finances. You know how they sometimes say – if you have to ask how much it costs, you cannot afford it? True story. I tried not to ask – still couldn’t afford anything more decent than a 3-day cruise around an oil refinery somewhere in the poor parts. But even once you settle on selling a kidney, what do you want to spend all this wealth on? Because, look, we have options for young and energetic, with non-stop jet ski disco and permanent conga-line around the pool… aaaand… we have options for grown ups, with sitting around all day, except an occasional pool aerobics session.

From here, once nausea has settled, all that remained for the idea to be born was to chat with a right person. You know there are sometimes these people who, you think, aren’t saying much but somehow talking with them would always make your own thoughts aligned the right way? Inspiration, I guess, it’s called. “We’ll do the Camino” was the crazy light that popped on above my head.

I thought, well, it sure looked like an interesting thing to do, plus it might actually give us a kick to get out of the sedentary vicious circle, get in shape a bit, get some equipment and in general get moving. Now it’s two years and some miles later and I’m quite proud to say: I wasn’t wrong. Don’t know why I should sound so surprised. Hiking and training are actually fun! Using good clothes and proper equipment – jeesh, even funner. Now, all that remains is to do the actual thing – naturally in 2020 it all went down the drain, together with, well, everything else. So, let’s go already!

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