Day 2. Matosinhos – Vila Chã

So, the first real one, as in, staying at a public albergue. As in, sleeping in a common sleeping hall, together with two.. four.. many strangers. We have people from Brazil, US, Germany and we have the legend and soul of, it seems, any company, Edgar. He’s a local who volunteers here as the help to the pilgrims and right now he’s cooking what’s announced as a Union Soup, the communal meal for today. Every place needs an Edgar. The soup as the social event is a great success, it’s all exactly like you’d expect it after watching the Movie. Actually, better, because it’s all with normal real people. Also, the wine is abundant.

Vinho Verde, the green wine, is a nice summer drink with enough bubbles to know they’re there, but not enough to push a regular cork out

The trip to Vila Chä hasn’t been very eventful, it’s all been boardwalk along the beeches, also crossing a couple of fishing villages in various state of chaos. Here we see some more fine, large estates with something resembling a patch of garden in front. A lot less ruin than what we saw in and closer to Porto.

The heat wave decided to go somewhere else, today’s weather was fog and breeze from the Atlantic. I don’t complain, actually, even though i hadn’t expected to use my fleece.

Good night from the top bunk, yeah.


  1. Hello Iuri Hello Lídia, it seems to me that you are having fun and not showing any fatigue.

    this place in Vila Chã and just before Sampaio and Moreiró beach are my favorite beaches And that’s where I usually go for a walk with Lau or sunbathe

    1. Lídia, did you try Vinho verde? It’s the wine I like, but good good is one called Alvarinho, Vinho Verde Alvarinho

      1. We did try Vinho Verde and loved it! Superb summer wine, light and fun! Not sure about the label, let me see… Fonte – Aveleda Fonte Vinho Verde.

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